One of the most high yield procedures in my surgical armamentarium is the upper eyelid blepharoplasty, or eyelid tuck. The procedure can be done in my office and only takes about an hour. Although a sedative can be given during the treatment, the majority of patients find that the numbing medicine that is placed during the surgery is all they need.


Carefully crafted, not over-sculpted results

The goal of surgery is to conservatively remove excess upper eyelid skin. This can dramatically “open” up the eyes, giving a much more refreshed appearance. The technique I use focuses on maintaining youthful upper eyelid fullness, rather than creating an overlying sculpted, operated appearance. Although much more commonly seen in the lower eyelids, some patients may have excess fat (especially toward the nasal side of the eyelid) than can be treated as well. I do refrain from removing any muscle as I find this helps create the youthful volume around the eye I'm looking for.

Recovery after eyelid surgery

I’m always surprised by how little pain my patients say they have after having an upper eyelid blepharoplasty. It’s very rare that they take anything more than Tylenol. There may be bruising in the area for 1-2 weeks. Swelling resolves dramatically during the first week such that most of my patients return to work after about a week (sometimes sooner). The sutures used to close the incision line are removed about 1 week after surgery.

Want to learn more about having a blepharoplasty or eyelid tuck with Dr. Lamperti at one of his Seattle area offices?

Call 206.505.1300 or Contact us to schedule an appointment. In the meantime, read about blepharoplasty here or check out more before and after photos here.


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