See before and after ethnic septo-rhinoplasty photos of a patient who had radix grafting of her nose combined with a conservative shave of a bump from her bridge.

In my last post I discussed the treatment of a weak radix and pseudo-hump with radix grafting. Today let's look at a some before and after photos of a patient who had radix grafting performed during her rhinoplasty.

Problem of the low radix

I discussed last time how ideally the radix starts approximately at a level between the upper eyelash line or supratarsal crease.

You can see how in the patient above her radix is low and starts at the level of her pupils.

This is due to inadequate projection of the bone of the bridge in this area. This schematic illustrates this concept:

The end result is the appearance of a significant hump on the bridge below the radix. You can imagine that with an improved radix position our patient would still have a slight fullness to the bridge. Let's see how we can combine a conservative trimming of the bridge with radix grafting to give the patient a straighter profile. To further help with overall facial proportions I also deprojected the patient's tip slightly.

With an improved, stronger profile the patient maintains a natural, yet refined profile in which we're able to maintain the patient's ethnic identity.


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