Our first Rhinoplasty in Seattle spotlight features a look at the difference between the open and closed rhinoplasty approaches.

As I recently announce, my new sister site Rhinoplastyinseattle.com offers a vast array of additional information about all aspects of rhinoplasty and functional nasal surgery. I plan on periodically featuring a specific section from the site in this blog. In our first spotlight let's look at the "open versus closed rhinoplasty" section.

This open versus closed rhinoplasty page first discusses the differences between open and closed rhinoplasty incisions and the pros and cons of the external versus endonasal surgical approach. We then discuss the reasoning behind the design of the inverted-V midcolumellar incision followed by an overview of what suturing techniques I use to close the rhinoplasty incision.

Lastly, the page presents several base view photos of some of my patients. The idea behind this section was to illustrate the range of typical external rhinoplasty healing results. I included primary and revision rhinoplasty cases, male and female noses, and patients of widely varying ages and ethnic heritage.

Enough about the open versus closed rhinplasty page, why don't you check it out for yourself?


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