Brow Lift
Refreshed and rested. A brow lift can subtly open up your eyes -- no surprised looks here.
Brow Lift Patient 11
Previous Patient Next PatientCombined Facial Feminization Pretrichial Brow Lift And Frontal Hairline Lowering
This transgender woman had two concerns that she wished to address regarding her forehead and brow. First she wanted to elevate her lowered eyebrows to improve her upper eyelid droopiness. She also wanted to make her forehead less long and lower her frontal hairline. Dr. Lamperti used a pretrichial incision (placed just in front of the patient's hair follicles) to address these goals. Dr. Lamperti was able to remove a large strip of forehead skin and then elevate the remaining forehead skin upward making the patient's eyebrows more elevated. He also released the scalp skin from the underlying bone further back on the head in order to advance that aspect forward to bring the patient's hairline downward. In the 5 month postoperative photos you can see how the patient has both a nicely elevated (but not overdone) brow compared with before surgery and a shorter forehead with a lowered, more feminine hairline. Notably, you can see how the surgery has lifted and opened up the patient's upper eyelids so that you can better appreciate her eyes.
To schedule your consultation with Dr. Lamperti, contact us or call 206-505-1234.
Dr. Lamperti gave me the beautiful, natural look I've always wanted....I am so happy with my results
JA - Tacoma, WA View More Patient Testimonials ›