Tracheal Shave
Create a smoother, less masculine appearing neck with Adam's Apple Reduction surgery
Tracheal Shave Patient 6
Previous Patient Next PatientMale To Female Transgender Tracheal Shave
This Seattle MTF transgender patient came to Dr. Lamperti to address her overly prominent laryngeal prominence which detracted from her facial feminization. Dr. Lamperti performed a chondrolaryngoplasty with needle localization technique which allow him to smooth down the patient's large Adam's apple. In the 8 month after photos you can see how the patient has a much flatter neckline and no more Adam's apple bump which gives her a much more feminine appearance. You can also see how the scar is well hidden high up on the neck.
To schedule your consultation with Dr. Lamperti, contact us or call 206-505-1234.
Since having my blepharoplasty my eyes look wonderful!!!
K.K. - Anchorage, Alaska View More Patient Testimonials ›